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University of Derby

Public History Conference 2014

Wednesday 7 May 2014, Room B301, Kedleston Road Site


8.15:  Coffee/Tea

8.45:  Welcome and Opening Address

             Professor John Coyne, Vice Chancellor, University of Derby

9.00:  Selling the Past: Public History and the First World War

             Josh Daykin, Thomas Higgins, Lisa Stokoe, Martyn Wilkinson

9.30:  Clausewitz and the Concept of Absolute War

             Josh Harrison, Sam Luff, Adam Robinson, James Twigger

10.00: Beyond Franz Ferdinand and Belgium: Britain’s Real War Aims

              Charlie Bradley, Elliot Chapman, Leigh-Ann Harris, Bradley Warren

10.30: Coffee/Tea

10.50 The White Feather: A Woman’s Weapon in War

             Victoria Hammonds, Tracey Handley, James Malley, Rebecca Sturgess

11.20: “Mechanical Human Beasts”: The Experience of Killing

              Phillip Booth, Kieran Hull, Daniel Turner, Konrad Wells - Corp

11.50: Break

12.05: Pals in Arms: Homosociability, Hegemonic Masculinity and the Great War

             Jenny Cook, Ashton Cunningham, Leanne Jones, Matthew Wood

12.35: Life in Ruhleben Camp: Britain in Microcosm

           Chris Batten, Jason Pickering, Ellie Walsh, Nathan Willcox

13.05: Buffet Lunch

13.45: Requiem: Foulds, Beaverbrook and the ‘British’ Festival of                                    Remembrance

             Ant Butterworth, Thomas Debaere, Laura Jackson, Rickesh Patel

14.15: The Lion, The Witch and The War: C S Lewis and Spirituality

           Cosmin Ionita, Katherine Sykes, Nichola Tonks, Keith Wood

14.45: ‘Biggles Sorts It Out!’: W E Johns and the Reinvention of the Heroic                     Ideal for Boys

           Dan Dunning, Beth Harris, David Pugh, Laura Winspeare

15.15: Coffee/Tea

15.35: Teddies, Toy Soldiers and the Militarisation of Playtime

             Jade Kelly-Smith, Lydia McGraw, Jessie Rowlett, Helen Wright

16.05: Beyond War Horse: Animals and Total War

           Sophie Birch, Vicki Fordham, Ryan Khaira, Calvin Smith

16.35: Break

16.45: Forgotten Contributions: The West Indies and the War

           Jorden Crawford, Alexandra Kempson, Fern Pithers, Lewis Wale

17.15: Australia - A Nation Made In War? Defiance, Disappointment and                   Determination

          Adam Al-Safi, Will Cooper, Sophie Phillips, Shelby Squire

17.45: Concluding Address


The Great War


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